Woody starts by reminding them all to find a moving buddy so they don't get lost when the Davis family moves to their new house, which will happen in a week. Within a few minutes (during which Bo Peep makes a date with Woody for that evening), all the toys are assembled. Woody calls a staff meeting and tells Slinky Dog to spread the word. He calls "Ok, everybody, the coast is clear," and the other toys come to life too. Woody and the other toys have seemed limp and inanimate up to this point, but as soon as Andy leaves the room, Woody sits up and expresses surprise that the birthday party is today. Andy tosses Woody onto his bed before he pulls Molly out of her crib and carries her away. She says the guests will arrive soon and sends him back upstairs to get his baby sister Molly (voice: Hannah Unkrich), whose crib is in his room.

He asks if they can leave the decorations up until they move, and his mom agrees. Woody is the only toy who gets to say his own lines because he has a pull-string that makes him say things like "Reach for the sky!" and "You're my favorite deputy!" During the opening credits (soundtrack: Randy Newman's "You've Got a Friend in Me"), Andy takes Woody downstairs to find his mother (voice: Laurie Metcalf) decorating the dining room for his birthday party. The day is saved by cowboy doll Woody (voice: Tom Hanks) playing the sheriff, with help from Rex the dinosaur (voice: Wallace Shawn). Potato Head (voice: Don Rickles) assisted by Slinky Dog (voice: Jim Varney), and the bystanders include Bo Peep (voice: Annie Potts) and her sheep. The bank is a cardboard box, the robber is Mr.

Later Andy puts Etch A Sketch and Woody in the box during the " Strange Things" montage. Shark is seen in the toy box at the beginning.