So if the older version fulfills your requirements, you should install that from default repositories. The default Debian package repositories contain the older versions of Python packages. Libsqlite3-dev tk-dev libgdbm-dev libc6-dev libbz2-dev libffi-dev zlib1g-dev Install Python 3.11 on Debian sudo apt install wget build-essential libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev \ Then install the required packages for the compilation of Python source code. Then open a terminal (CTRL+ALT+T) and execute the below commands to update packages. Log in to your Debian system with a sudo privileged account. Step by Step Instructiosn to Create Python Virtual Environment.The tutorial will compile and install Python 3.11 source code on your system. This tutorial will help you to install Python 3.11 on Debian 11 & Debian 10 Linux systems.